ESRI - UCC Energy Research Workshop

Venue: ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2

This half-day multidisciplinary research workshop will focus on recent work by researchers at UCC and ESRI on a range of current energy policy issues. Both engineering and economic perspectives will be explored, and topics will cover aspects of energy policy; residential energy efficiency; energy markets; and implications for the economy.


08.30: Registration and Coffee

08.45: Ministerial Address: Minister Alex White, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources 


Energy Affordability
9.15: How can we strategically address fuel poverty and simultaneously improve energy efficiency?
John Curtis, James Glynn, Liam Regan, and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

09.35: Is fuel poverty in Ireland a distinct type of deprivation
Dorothy Watson and Bertrand Maitre Download Presentation

International Focus
09.55: How can we achieve a global 2°C target in an efficient and equitable manner?
James Glynn, Socrates Kypreos, Maurizio Gargiulo and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

10.15: The EU Power System in 2030: curtailment, congestion and prices
Sean Collins, Paul Deane and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

10.35: Tea/Coffee


Why are we reluctant to do anything about climate change?
Clare Watson, Ger Mullally and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

11.25:Hourly consumer’s response to TOU tariffs in Ireland: is information always beneficial?
Valeria Di Cosmo, Niamh Devitt, Denis O'Hora Download Presentation

Wind & Infrastructure
11.45: The Effects of Wind Generation Capacity & NAO on Electricity Prices, Generation Costs & Emissions.
Muireann Lynch, John Curtis and Laura Zubiate Download Presentation

12.05: On Moneypoint and the interconnector to France.
Paul Deane, Valeria Di Cosmo and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

Houses and cars
12.25: The effect of energy efficiency label (BER) on property prices – an analysis of the Residential
Property Price Register.
Marie Hyland & Anna Alberini Download Presentation

12.45: What will contribute more to emissions reduction in Ireland in 2020 – 50,000 EVs Or improving the efficiency of petrol and diesel cars?
Eamonn Mulholland and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation

13.05: Closing