Karina Doorley

Associate Research Professor

Karina Doorley is the Research Area Coordinator for the Tax, Welfare and Pensions team. Karina received her PhD from University College Dublin in 2012. Her thesis focused on the effect of fiscal and social policies on labour supply and redistribution in Europe.

Prior to this, she studied economics at Cambridge University and University College Dublin. She worked at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) as a Research Associate from 2012 until 2014. She joined the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) as a Research Associate in 2014 and was appointed head of the “Employment and Wages” unit at LISER in 2016. She joined the ESRI as a Research Officer in 2017 and is also currently a Research Fellow at IZA.

Her research interests include labour market policy evaluation, inequality and demographic change.