Four EU flags flying in front of a building

Competitiveness, Trade and FDI

Research in this area focuses on structural and microeconomic factors and policies underlying competitiveness and economic growth in Ireland and other European countries in the context of international economic integration. Research topics include international trade, foreign direct investment, innovation and productivity.

The Effects of the European Single Market on Attractiveness to Foreign Direct Investment

This article discusses international evidence on the effects of the European Single Market on attractiveness of EU countries to foreign direct investment and the need for further integration in the areas of services and capital markets.

Forest greenery
Do green investments improve firm performance?

This paper examines the impact of firms' green investments on a range of performance outcomes, including the growth of output, employment, productivity, export intensity, and energy intensity.

Cargo sitting in an industrial site
International trade

Research examines factors influencing the engagement and performance of firms in international trade and global value chains.

Dublin city skyline
Foreign Direct Investment

This research examines factors influencing the attractiveness of Ireland and other European countries to foreign direct investment.

graph of data
Innovation and productivity

Research examines factors driving the innovation and productivity performance of firms.