Growing Up in Ireland
Growing Up in Ireland is the national longitudinal study of children and young people in Ireland. The study is nationally representative with over 20,000 cohort members. It is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).
In December 2022, after 16 years in the ESRI and TCD, the Growing Up in Ireland study moved to direct administration by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and DCEDIY. The ESRI would like to thank all of the participants, staff, interviewers and collaborators who made the study such a success under its stewardship and wish the DCEDIY and CSO all the best in the next stage of the project.

The study follows the progress of two cohorts: Cohort ’98 (the ‘Child Cohort’) who were aged 9 years at first interview in 2007 and Cohort ’08 (the Infant Cohort) who were just 9 months in the first wave in 2008.

In December 2022, after 16 years in the ESRI and TCD, the Growing Up in Ireland study moved to direct administration by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).
Please note the email address, as well as the email addresses for individual Growing Up in Ireland staff, will cease to operate. Queries about the study should instead be directed to either the DCEDIY using or the CSO using You can follow the project on the website.